Find “Viv,” Now!

As I “puzzle” through the putting together of—you do know you’re seeing the site in its soft, prelaunch mode, yes?—I ponder what pieces will form its eventual foundation. For sure, one part that will become integral is the idiosyncratic. The eccentric. But always with an aesthetic bent. An obvious example of this connected distortion would be my presenting the works of little-known (but growing in popularity) street life fotog, Vivian Maier. Vivian Maier Self-Portrait (16) Of course to some, who follow unusual occurrences, “Viv” is already somewhat established. Having a documentary about her work—and most notably, how she was “discovered/uncovered” by a comely male Midwesterner—is a definite indication of some “coming of age” already on Ms Maier’s part. But it is the continued holding back of the professional accolades she might truly deserve, along with the odd, intimate details of her photographs and the odd, intimate details of her personal life, that drove me, dandily, to become a fan. If you have occasion to see more of her imagery (and/or the documentary, Finding Vivian Maier; see below the trailer) perhaps you will come alongside, too!

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